Saturday, May 03, 2008

after a week of bryani n kebabs, we hunted around dubai at 10 am in the morning for some maclovin.. a super up size and a long burning walk back, we're in our rooms all sleepy from a heavy meal. sin-dubai-istanbul-dubai-sin in 8 days is not exactly a glamour job just so you know. i can't look or smell or hear about bryani anymore. i've had enough to last me a whole year..

anyway, these few days have been paradise (when i'm out of my uniform, that is). contacted old schoolmates, met new people, dodged old nightmares, etc.

lesson number 1: love needs room to breathe
experienced a relationship where all you see, and all you hear, and all you're with is that other half? insecurity is a big word, and its an even bigger problem. you can say "i am insecure" a billion times, but to me, its not an excuse. DO something about it. don't just shrug and apologise and explain that you probably did what you did because of insecurity.

lesson number 2: when the cage gets loose, the animal runs
try holding on to someone and not letting them go for 5 mins. then do the same thing, this time, for a year. you'll see the difference. when you don't give people their freedom, and one day when they find it, they'll do whatever they weren't allowed to do, even if they don't like it.

lesson number 3: trust is earned. not the other way round.
you trust the person slowly, when they can prove their sincerity to you. you don't just blindly trust and let it slip away slowly when they do something to hurt you. its tough getting it back to 100%. so, might as well start from 0 and work your way up.

lesson number 4: if i'm nice, don't expect me to be nice-r
the thing about expectations is, you always want more, and never less. if i scored 40 percent on a test, you'd expect me to do better on the next one. the more you expect, the higher the risk of being disappointed.

WOW.. i dont know where that came from. haha.

His tears
Your eyes
Thirty seconds to apologize
You give it one more chance
Just like the time before
But he already know you'd give a hundred more
Until that night in bed
You wake up in a sweat
You're racing to the door
Can't take it anymore
Life perfect
Ain't perfect
If you don't know what the struggle's for
Falling down ain't falling down
If you don't cry when you hit the floor
It's called the past cause I'm getting past
And I ain't nothing like I was before
You ought to see me now

"lesson learned" alicia keys & john mayer

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