Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Bonjour! I am in Paris.. on an easter monday.. where the shops are closed.. and the tours are fully booked.. and its raining.. SO, I decided to relive my Cairo and SanFrancisco trip earlier this month..

Cairo is a sandy sandy place.. Wow, i summed it up in 3 words, 2 of which are repetitive.. Very good, no? Okay here's the deal.. I have Evidence textbooks calling out to me from my cargo bag.. So I'll keep this post as short as possible..

You'd THINK that camels, horses and donkeys were 'vehicles' in the desert.. and only the desert.. and some rural places where it was impossible for an automobile to cruise through.. Well, if I had a penny for everytime the tour guide had to step on the brakes 'on the highway' to avoid running over an animal..

Papyrus paper.. the first kind of paper which lasts for thousands of years.. kudos to the egyptians.. you'd think that if they had a map of cairo, it'd be nicely drawn out on their very own papyrus paper, or just printed out in tiny fonts and routes with a compass point on the bottom left page.. the norm..

Abdul, our guide for the day decided to keep things simple.. so on the start of the tour of the desert, he wanted to point out where we were going, etc.. and he told us that he'd brief us for 5 mins and show us a "map".. after which he pulled out a drawer...

And more of Cairo..

SanFrancisco.. lovely.. Thats a place I'd migrate to.. If I had to.. I don't mind having clam chowder all day everyday.. I was doing my daily routine of running through new talents on YouTube and I realised that most of my favourite videos are made by asians in fresco.. When I got to Fisherman's Wharf on my trip there, there were guitarists, dancers, comedians, younameit, all displaying their talents on sidewalks.. and of course, thats my favourite place to shop.. heh.. so much for keeping it real..

Just in case you're wondering.. those are just some seals soaking up the sun.. and that island.. thats The Rock.. or the Alcatraz.. yes.. the famous prison.. beautiful..

So where's the Golden Gate Bridge? The weather was acting up.. fog=no view of bridge.. oh well..

Its 15mins to 9pm here.. close to 4am sin time.. and I haven't posted pics of Old Trafford.. and a couple of Korea... So i'll save it for another time.. Study time..

I guess Paris is on the maybe list this August during my leave.. since I obviously can't leave the hotel at this time and weather.. but hey, free internet! lets google the Louvre!

Bonne Nuit!

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