Tuesday, June 26, 2007

There are, to me, a few different classes of men. I despise those that go under the heading of Iago. Iago is a character from Othello. A Machiavelli who manipulated people's emotions in order to destroy them. Sounds like someone to me.

"I have heard of your paintings. God hath given you one face and you make yourselves another."

Why would someone be attracted only to those whose lives seem deeper in shyt than his own? Oh, aren't we all fools to not know that the Iagos in this life need constant ego-boosting? To be condescending pushes their victims a step lower, and their own pride higher. Intellectual snobbery?

But have we forgotten, that Iago had nothing to begin with. He needs to feel important. The need to be there for others (or so it seems). When all that results from this display of emotional brutality is a sense of self-admiration for himself.

'O vile, intolerable, not to be endur'd!'

You see, its simple really. The Iagos are nothing. Therefore, the need to convince themselves that they aren't so bad afterall. Thus, find the vulnerable victims, listen to their sappy life stories, give them warmth. And BOOM! "I am IMPORTANT. I am now a MAN. BOW DOWN all you FOOLS!"

Pathetic really, if you ask me. All I feel for you now, is pity. All I see in you now, oh wait, you've gone too low for me to be able to see. Did you really think that by shutting the door, you'd wake up one day, walk back, and open the same door to still see us waiting there with a huge smile and arms wide open?

You see it from your point of view, my fool. From our point of views, it seems you only shut that door because we shut our doors on you long before that. I will cry for you. Tears of joy, mind you. I have life, love, and I do still have a heart, despite this bashing of your self-admiration. Therefore, I do not want to have to feel important by pretending to be there for little you. I feel important enough through means that have no relations with manipulation. Of course, you're quite an expert at that aren't you?

Ah, have I gone too far? I doubt so. I am only portraying to you, what you have portrayed to me yourself, dear fool.

Le réalité et toi, vous ne vous entendez pas, n'est-ce pas?

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