Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Time and again, I find myself being pulled back to reality while fantasizing on some big dreams of mine. They say, dream big. I say, dream bigger. Its not as if I'm visualising on men in thongs serving me virgin margharitas in my big outdoor lounge facing the sea. I dream of "possible things". Then again, nothing, including men in thongs is really that impossible. A simple example. Take A and B. A aims for a first class. B aims for a mere passing mark. Chances are, A will do better that B. Set a higher target. Reach!

So if I dream of a Maserati, and you dream of a Vios. Chances are (the worst scenario), I might end up with a Matrix, and you, a Starlet.

Oh well, I shan't go on about this. I'll just wait for the looks on your faces, when, one day, I do achieve what I've always wanted.

Happy belated Jo!

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