Monday, January 29, 2007

3 and a half hours to the preview of the day, 241. i'll be done typing in 15 mins, planning to hit the books sprawled out on the floor of the living room. someone hide the remote! i set aside about an hour of browsing through pages written by winding balding old men who just can't get to the bloody point. maybe another 30 mins deciding where to start. the thing about law texts is, you never know where the start and the end of the issue is. in their words, its all "inter-related". right. i believe its more of, 'too much to discuss, no time to organise'.
i mean, seriously, i was reading chapter 3 of one of the textbooks, and on the 2nd line, it says "refer to chapter 9 for a detailed discussion". so i turned to chapter 9, and i was furious because on the 2nd page it says "this is not important, however it is worth reading to understand chapters 5 and 6. refer to chapter 2 for a rough understanding."
they say, put aside 8 hours a day if you want to succeed. some say its exaggerating..8 hours.. bah! then again, minus the 4 hours of finally figuring out where to start after endless references, i say 8 hours is just about right.
okay, i'm left with four minutes to end this post and turn off the damn pc.
yes jojo, brilliantly brilliant. in other words, amazingly amazing. ;)

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