Wednesday, August 09, 2006

u may say i'm a dreamer, but i'm not the only one.

i've been thinking of moving somewhere else. i think i've had enough of busy streets and chaotic movements. singapore has turned into a mini china. and i was talking to a cab driver last night of the foreigners in singapore and how their population is almost as equal as ours. if there happened to be a war, then we're all dead, he said. true. but thats not the reason i'm thinking of moving.

i guess my life has been a mix of brunei and singapore. and that has made my thinking turn dual. the conservative me, and the kiasu me.

i would like to be in uk, or somewhere far, where i can start life anew, and build myself up. my own blood and sweat. then again, these are just dreams.

do take into consideration the following, which i entered in my diary 4 years ago:-

earn 10k and above a month by the age of 20 (i'm turning 21 now and 10k is still a long way to wait)
furnish myself with a bmw (i don't even have my driving license yet. i drive without it when i get the chance)
graduate with a first class honours (i think i didnt do well, but wait 2 yrs.. and i MIGHT have a 1st class)
have my own penthouse, no rentals, buy with cash before 23 (i wish..even if i win the big sweep, a million is not enough)

yup, thats singapore. the land of which dreams are only dreams. but its my country after all. and dreams are a source of motivation.

happy birthday singapore.

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