Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The 'man' brings in thousands of foreign women, their work passes approved in a blink of an eye. for what? for them to roam the streets and earn from cheap sex, contaminate the image of our once beautiful country. to them, its a medicine to cure the once high rape rate. rape cases have plunged down ever since, but enough is enough.

i used to live in what they call the 'central area', accessible to any part of the country in a mere 15 minutes. now when people ask where i live and i tell them, they moan out a little 'oh'. why? accessible to not only town, but to places where cheap sex can be bargained, most tenants here have changed from being the 'aunty who feeds cats in the middle of the night', to the 'long legged woman who brought an old man home last night'.

and its funny, my aunt married a foreign man, and he is a great cook. but he has to visit the ministry of manpower almost every other day to see if they've once again rejected his work pass. its only a matter of time before they send him back to wherever he came from. they'd rather give it to people involved in these disgusting trade.

i was walking past tanjong pagar the other day, one of the most unfortunate places for you to have to go to, and foreign women were waiting outside pubs, grabbing any man that walks past. for once, instead of hunger in these men's eyes, i saw fear and disgust. and these women aren't nice people. they dislike local women. so when they saw me, they gave me a once over and started bitching in their language. i would've kicked them back to their country of birth, if only the 'man' made that possible.

and the public buses. god, i hate my journey home. on my left i hear the china women in their high pitched voices, talking as if they've never gotten a chance to talk in their whole life. on my right, i hear the philippine women, yelling, yes.. apparently they don't talk.. they yell. and even sitting at my favourite coffeeshop is impossible nowadays. foreign male workers seem to have a lot of money with them nowadays to afford a phone with video, so its been a number of times my cousin and i had to tell them off after realising they've been taking videos of us. cheap thrill.

and when i finally get to the lift of the flat, i would see an old chinese man clad with gold jewellery and a huge studded rolex, with 6 foreign women getting out of the small lift to start the day somewhere near. sounds so ghetto doesn't it.. i've thought of many possibilities.. maybe they're all tourists, maybe they happened to be in the same lift, etc etc. but in the end, there's only one thing in my head.... the Pimp and his Whores.

so sue me. i am but relaying what is fact.

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