Saturday, April 15, 2006

the best thing to do when you're all alone at home, and you can't sleep, is to have a boiling pot of tea, a pack of cigarettes, good chill out music and maybe a good book.

anyway, as most of you have seen on tv, there was a mini gathering (or rather a pointless debate) on tv between the Senior Mentor, and a group of the younger generation. it just proved my point that the generation that leads the world today speak without thinking. the questions raised in that short span of time were reasonable, then again, the senior mentor had an answer to each and every one of them. i had a good laugh when one girl asked, 'is the PAP arrogant?'

i hope i dont get into any trouble for saying this. but we all know the answer. and don't ask questions in which you already have the answer at hand. its just an excuse to get things heated up.

so yes, the gathering ended after an hour or so. and then we ask ourselves.. 'so what now?'

that time could have been used in a more constructive way, for example, 'so, why did you do so and so at that time?' or 'what do you think if we propose a so and so'... an exchange of ideas.. we learn more, we get answers.

instead, that group of people were basically just throwing out arguments against the senior mentor. yes, we all want to look argumentative, smart and quick on tv.. but this was practically what was happening :

'who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?'
'you stole the cookie from the cookie jar!'
'who, me?'
'yes, you'
'couldn't be!'
'then who?'

i shan't elaborate on what i think of the debate any further. actually, there isn't anything to talk about anymore regarding that gathering. it was, forgettable. and that is a sad, sad thing.

oh well, its about 5am... and i guess i should indulge in a little Dan Brown before i sleep. have a good day.

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