V for Vendetta.... well, i decided to take a night off from burying myself in law books.. so i went to watch that movie, which, i blindly chose (due to the movie timings)... and how upset i was, when i realised the whole movie is about the UK parliament!!! i mean, lets be honest... after months of studying about the uk parliament, the house of lords, house of commons, the crown, the privy council and what not, that was the LAST thing i needed... but then again, if i were to be a movie critic, i would give it an 8.5 out of 10....
the movie was based on the uk parliament (duh) and basically circles around the fact that to have a parliament, you need the support of the people... and how there's a mask representing the people but there's really someone else who's ruling the country.. for example, in the movie, they showed a portrait of 'God save the Queen'.. it was a picture of the Queen with her crown, however, her face was erased and instead, the Chancellor's face was drawn under the crown...
i mean, if you are interested in the workings of the parliament, then do read up on royal prerogative and so on.. for example, we learn that to pass any bill, the Queen has to give her royal assent... HOWEVER, in reality, she HAS to do so after being advised by the PM. so... you see, i've been buried in my books for so long, that if you plan to catch up with me for coffee... DON'T... cos i'll bore you...
anyway i just can't wait for may 26!!!!
DaVinci Code!!!
i've been waiting since i bought the book!!! i still remember, as i was reading, i was thinking to myself.. 'it'd be great if they make a movie out of this'.. and a couple of months later, i think i was reading some magazine, or maybe i saw it on the internet, that they were actually really doing the movie.. and to top it off, my fav actor, TOM HANKS will be starring in it...
i've been waiting since... erm... Xmen2.. hehe...
my final exams will be on the 23rd, 24th, 26th may.. and 1st july... SO, after my 3rd paper, i'll be heading down to cine... to watch BOTH movies, one after the other.... hehehe.... can't wait...
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